Secondary - Panel Punching
(Revised: 10/23/20)

Standard Panel Punching:

Girts, Purlins, Headers, and Eave Struts

Secondary Length + 1/2" must be divisible by 3".

A Special Mark Number will be supplied if Secondary Length + 1/2" is not divisible by 3".

Inset Girts

Must use Punch 9 (Inset notch)
Secondary Length + 2 1/2" must be divisible by 3".

A Special Mark Number will be supplied if Secondary Length + 2 1/2" is not divisible by 3".


Secondary Data:


1.)    This feature is only available with Butler Secondary, it is not described in the Vision Screen Help.

2.)    This feature is only available on Girts & Purlins. NOT Truss Purlins!                                                                




Panel Punch Start

The Panel Punch Start dimension is viewed from left to right on the elevation / plan view.
Regardless of panel direction or secondary orientation (flipped).

Panel Start Dimension

The Panel Punch Start dimension is automatically updated based on the 1st panel set location on the surface. The Direction of the Panel is also used to determine the location of the Panel Punching.

Note: If the Panel Punch Start Dimension is revised prior to revising the panel set locations.
Changes to the panel set locations will not automatically updated the Secondary Start Dimension.


Secondary Data- Properties - Holes / Subunits:

Hole Location / Symmetrical

Hole Location Data sent to PIM / Compass is shown.
These locations are consistent regardless of orientation.

From the Hole Location, Manufacturing will punch the Panel Holes 3" o.c.

Note: Manufacturing may alter the data referring to the first panel hole location at different manufacturing locations based on the secondary line / equipment setup.


Parts List

Only the Hole Location (not the Symmetrical) will be listed on the Vision Parts List.

Note: If the Location or Symmetrical hole dimension is <7/8”, the dimension will be displayed in Vision and on all Engineering Reports. But manufacturing will not punch panel holes < 7/8" from the end of the secondary member.


Hole: Location / Symmetrical
(Sample Orientation of Secondary Members)

Pnl Punch Start is on the

Secondary Member Information screen

Location and Symmetrical are on the

Holes/Subunits tab

Panel Punching Data used for Secondary Detailing


Panel Punching is 3” o.c. along a surface

Start Panel Punching at the 1st Panel Location on the surface, not the building line
Eave Strut Punching is based on the roof if the wall punching is not aligned

Butlerib Punched Roofs

Punched Secondary

Punched Zee Purlins

Punched Eave Struts

MR24, CMR24

Punched Secondary

Punched Zee Purlins

Punched Truss Purlins XT

Punched Eave Struts

N/A - Bar Joists

Butlerib Punched Walls

Punched Secondary

Punched Girts

Zee, Cee, FFC (long cee), FBC (long cee), BBC (long cee)

Punched Base

Punched Eave Struts (Wall)

Punched Gable Angle

N/A - Headers & Sills

ScruBolts Top & Bottom

Punched Base

Punched Eave Struts

Punched Gable Angle

N/A - Girts, Headers & Sills

Shadowall / eShadowall Punched

Punched Secondary

Punched Girts

Zee, Cee, FFC (long cee), FBC (long cee), BBC (long cee)

Punched Base

Punched Eave Struts (Wall)

Punched Gable Angle

N/A - Headers & Sills

ScruBolts Top & Bottom

Punched Base

Punched Eave Struts

Punched Gable Angle

N/A - Girts, Headers & Sills

Standard Gable Angle (SGA) Detailing

Minimum / Maximum Length = 4’-0” / 20’-0”

Must attach to a minimum of 3 roof secondary members

1/2" gap at splice located midpoint of purlin attachment

Panel Punch Holes on the Wall:

Butlerib Punched 30 = 1/4:12, 1/2:12, 31 = 1:12, 32 = 2:12, 33 = 4:12, else no wall holes

Shadowall Punched 30 = 1/4:12, 1/2:12, 31 = 1:12, 32 = 2:12, else no wall holes

SGA connection to Roof Purlins, Truss Purlin XT, and Eave Struts:

35 = Secondary top flange end hole locations